Let me introduce myself. I am a translator providing translations of documents for both, official and common purposes from and into the English language and the Slovak language primarily in the sphere of legal translations (commercial law, criminal law, law of real properties, copyright law, labour law etc.).
As so called certified translator I am enrolled in the List of Translators kept by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic in the field: Slovak language – English language under the registration number: 971126. The professional indemnity insurance agreement I have concluded with the insurance company Generali Slovensko poistovňa, a.s.
At the same time I am a member of the Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature (SSPOL) seated in Bratislava, the professional organisation for translators of technical, scientific and specialized literature which is the member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT).
Moreover, I am the member of the professional organisation of interpreters and translators Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů seated in the Czech Republic, which is also the member of the International Federation of Translators.
I passed language studies in Slovakia and I have lived in the English speaking countries around one and half year.
Certified translation
In respect to performance of the activity of so called certified translator with a “round seal”, this is regulated by the Slovak Act No. 382/2004 Coll. on Experts, Interpreters, and Translators and its executing public notices. Among other things, the Act regulates that each document intended for official purposes shall be translated and registered as a separate translation act. At the same time, the Act imposes duties to the translator to provide every translation duly, within the specified period of time, to good purpose, economically, and fairly. The translator is bound by a strict confidentiality obligation.
Common translation
Common translations do not have to fulfil criteria set by the Act for certified translation. However, when providing translating services for common purposes I fulfil the same standards as apply to the certified translations. Moreover, I act in compliance with the Translators’ Charter adopted in 1963 by the International Federation of Translators.
” I never promise and offer to clients what I cannot deliver. But, if I promise something, I deliver it, even if it means an increased effort on my side. ”